LABB’s ‘State of the Movement’ report
The Louisiana Bucket Brigade’s “State of the Movement” report highlights our challenges, our victories and our mission as we fight petrochemical pollution and support the fenceline communities of Louisiana. Written and compiled by LABB executive director Anne Rolfes and program associate Kate Macintosh, the report is an essential briefing for our supporters and our friends in news media who want to learn more about the Brigade and our fight for the future of Louisiana:
There has never been a better time to work for environmental health and justice in Louisiana and to join the movement to combat climate change. We refuse to let industry destroy our state and our planet. Join us.
The state of our movement is strong. Despite the money and power amassed by the oil, gas and chemical industry, the tide is turning. Tens of thousands of people across our state are speaking up to oppose dirty projects and to support a transition to renewable energy—an industry that would create good, safe jobs.
Our movement is also urgent. The oil, gas and chemical industry’s pollution and pipelines have transformed our very landscape, shredding what was a boot-shaped state into an unraveling sock. Industry is continuing this onslaught, ramming natural gas export terminals into our coast. The gas and petrochemical industry are conspiring with our state government to build or expand 111 more facilities in Louisiana in the next decade.
In this crisis is an opportunity: a growing movement of people and organizations like the ones listed on the back cover. We are exposing and challenging industry’s corruption. In St. James Parish, emails obtained by the Tulane Environmental Law Clinic documented the parish council’s secret meetings with a Chinese chemical company called Wanhua. And the Energy Future New Orleans coalition exposed that Entergy not only hired actors to pose as supporters, but also violated the Louisiana Open Meetings Act in its push for a gas-fired power plant in New Orleans East. Five years or even two years ago, this corruption might have gone undetected. But not anymore. Not in our state.
You can read the full report here.