The American Petroleum Institute’s list of requests to the incoming Trump administration would remove many of the available federal tools to rein in deadly global warming.
[Read Article]Formosa Plastics insists it will respect, protect site where it’s proposed a $9 billion complex.
[Read Article]New research from an environmental advocacy group seeking to identify some of those buried at the site of a proposed plastics plant along the Mississippi River in St. James Parish…
[Read Article]A natural gas tanker docked at Venture Global’s Calcasieu Pass loomed large as Phillip “Rooster” Dyson Jr.’s small shrimp boat rolled by in the Calcasieu Ship Channel. The narrow waterway…
[Read Article]Cameron has been home to a thriving fishing and shrimping industry since the 1800′s, but will it always be that way? Some of the fishers and shrimpers have a bleak…
[Read Article]Today, Cameron fishermen who fish Southwest Louisiana’s Gulf Coast showed the destruction of coastal areas critical to the region’s environment, economy, and way of life. Piloted and guided by veteran…
[Read More]With the help of former U.S. Senator Mary Landrieu, Arlington Virginia-based Venture Global – a producer of liquefied natural gas (LNG) sourced from “resource rich” North American natural gas basins…
[Read Article]Virginia-based liquified natural gas (LNG) company Venture Global has been on a learning curve since it opened its Calcasieu Pass terminal in Cameron Parish last year. The learning curve, as…
[Read Article]Support for expanding America’s fossil fuel industry is often cast in the rhetoric of energy independence. But foreign sales, not American demand, are driving a projected decades-long rise in natural…
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