When you pledge a monthly amount of $15 or more, you help create a steady, reliable source of funds, providing the financial foundation essential for the day-to-day cost of protecting communities and hastening our transition from fossil fuels.
Here are a few more great reasons to join the Monthly Marchers:
- Invitations to quarterly meetups to get in on behind the scenes conversations with LABB staff (first drink is on us).
- Access to a 40% discount for our Down By the River Bike Ride (up to 2x per year)
- Louisiana Bucket Brigade SWAG!!!
– $15 a month: LABB sticker and e-news subscription
– $25 a month: LABB water bottle + all the above
– $50 a month: LABB tote + all the above
– $100+ a month: LABB t-shirt + all the above
- Your monthly contributions are tax deductible.
- The peace of mind knowing that your support helps communities and mitigates climate change.
Questions? Email Chloé Jobin: chloe@labucketbrigade.org