The American Petroleum Institute’s list of requests to the incoming Trump administration would remove many of the available federal tools to rein in deadly global warming.
[Read Article]Formosa Plastics insists it will respect, protect site where it’s proposed a $9 billion complex.
[Read Article]New research from an environmental advocacy group seeking to identify some of those buried at the site of a proposed plastics plant along the Mississippi River in St. James Parish…
[Read Article]A discrimination lawsuit filed Tuesday in the Eastern District of Louisiana alleges that the St. James Parish Council steered polluting facilities into Black neighborhoods along the Mississippi River. As a result, Black…
[Read Article]The St. James Parish government’s long history of locating highly pollutive industrial facilities in areas of the parish home to large concentrations of Black residents constitutes discrimination, and the parish…
[Read Article]After years of seeking redress from the parish council, St. James Parish residents have now taken their case to federal court. Since September of 2019, the plaintiffs, Inclusive Louisiana, Rise…
[Read Article]St. James Parish community groups are calling for a ban on new petrochemical plants to halt what they say is a history of racist land use decisions that have concentrated…
[Read Article]ST. JAMES PARISH, La. — For years, residents in St. James Parish have said the chemical plants are killing people in predominantly Black communities and they want to stop those…
[Read Article]A federal lawsuit has been filed against St. James Parish Tuesday over the petrochemical plants built in the parish. According to the lawsuit, St. James residents have asked in the…
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